Saturday 3 August 2013


Snapchat is the next big thing in apps. If you havent heard about yet let me explain.
Snapchat is a photo messaging application that takes snaps which have a time limit before they disappear forever unless that snap has been screenshot. Snapchat doesn't only allow them to take snaps but they can also record videos, add text and drawings.It is available for iOS and Android operating systems. So if you haven't downloaded it yet why not give it a try.
It was initial released during September 2011 and was created by students from Stanford University students which they came up during a product design university project by Spiegel and Bobby Murphy .There class mates didn't really like the idea of it. 
From my point of view I think its a great app its fun, a good way to communicate, easy to use, simple, funny and more. If you don't believe me why not give it a go. I don't think it will turn old because theres nothing else on the market like it.  

For more informtion visit them on:

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